class AppendableStyle(@ColorInt val foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt val backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), val fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, val fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, val fontSize: Int? = null, val fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, val proportion: Float = 1.0f, val xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
The append style.
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constructor(linesIndent: LeadingMarginSpan.Standard, @ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(quoteSpan: QuoteSpan, @ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(bulletSpan: BulletSpan, @ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(strikeMode: StrikeMode = StrikeMode.NONE, @ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(scriptMode: ScriptMode = ScriptMode.NONE, @ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(clickSpan: ClickableSpan, @ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(url: String, @ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(blurRadius: Float, blur: BlurMaskFilter.Blur, @ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
constructor(@ColorInt foreColor: Int? = null, @ColorInt backColor: Int = ContextCompat
.getColor(ContextHelper.getAppContext(), R.color.transparent), fontStyle: StyleMode = StyleMode.NORMAL, fontFamily: TypefaceSpan? = null, fontSize: Int? = null, fontAlign: Layout.Alignment? = null, proportion: Float = 1.0f, xProportion: Float = 1.0f)
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The Blur to use.
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The radius to extend the blur from the original mask. Must be 0.
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Defines the text bullet point.
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Defines the text click event.
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Link copied to clipboard
Refer to TypefaceSpan.
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Defines the text indentation.
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The proportion with which the text is scaled.
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Defines the text as superscript or subscript.
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Add a strikethrough or underline for the text.
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Values 1.0 will stretch the text wider. Values < 1.0 will stretch the text narrower.