Package-level declarations


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Handles callbacks for all of the Activity lifecycle events. When onActivityCreated is called, it will register for the Fragment lifecycle events.

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@Target(allowedTargets = [AnnotationTarget.CLASS])
annotation class LogLifecycle(val name: String = "", val obverseEvent: Array<LogLifecycleEvent> = [ LogLifecycleEvent.ON_ATTACH, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_CREATE, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_CREATE_VIEW, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_ACTIVITY_CREATED, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_START, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_RESUME, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_PAUSE, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_STOP, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_DESTROY_VIEW, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_DESTROY, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_DETACH, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_PRE_ATTACHED, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_PRE_CREATED, LogLifecycleEvent.ON_SAVE_INSTANCE_STATE ])

Annotation to put on an Activity or a Fragment that denotes its lifecycle methods should be logged out. If the name is provided, this is the name that will be used for this class, use either the name of the class or something descriptive to see in the logs. If nothing is provided then LogLifecycle will attempt to get it by Class.getSimpleName. By default all lifecycle methods that were provided in obverseEvent will be logged out, if obverseEvent is provided then only the methods provided to it will be logged out.

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Contains a list of lifecycle events available on a Fragment or Activity. Use eventName to get its string representation.